HW and S7
Seminar lenght: 2 days
SIPRIN, s.r.o. company was founded in March 1999 and is a 100% subsidiary of SIEMENS corporate in Slovakia. SIPRIN provides services directly or indirectly via other SIEMENS corporate companies in Slovakia or abroad.
Being a responsible company – this is our foundation. With our compliance system, we want to establish compliance in the minds and actions of all Siemens employees.
Core activities of department ED:
MD provides services for complex technological maintenance of production lines and devices:
Offer and distribution of products from the field of automation industry
Courses in our own Training center
Lamačská cesta 3/A, Bratislava, Slovakia
+421 2 3341 8474
SIPRIN, s. r. o.
Registrácia: Mestský súd Bratislava III, Oddiel: Sro, vložka číslo 18727/B
IČO 35762721
IČ DPH SK2020254445
Bankové spojenie: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s.
Číslo účtu: 1029631003/1111
IBAN: SK03 1111 0000 0010 2963 1003
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